


The Juniors

The aim of the Vermont Juniors is to provide an opportunity for the youth of our area to participate in Australian Rules Football in a safe and enjoyable environment, enhance their health and wellbeing through organised sport and providing a pathway for players into the Senior Club.

Click Here for details on how to register to the Vermont Eagles Junior Football Club.


The Vermont Juniors will, at all times, endeavour to provide for the health, welfare and wellbeing of its players, supporters and spectators. This aim will be achieved by promoting and developing the following values and objectives:


A sense of social and community values

An environment to nurture the physical and mental development of our youth

Respect for officials, opposition players and supporters

The virtues of fair and disciplined play

Opportunities for everyone

Competent coaches and assistants
Adequate facilities, amenities and equipment
Supervised social functions encouraging family participation
Regular communication and consultation with players and parents
Active leadership and management
Competent coaches and assistants
Adequate facilities, amenities and equipment
Supervised social functions encouraging family participation
Regular communication and consultation with players and parents
Active leadership and management

In the early years, our focus is on participation as we develop individual skills and the importance of being part of a team. Even as our players get older and the game becomes more competitive, we pride ourselves on developing our players to the best of their abilities.

The Vermont Junior Football Club was established in 1920 and played its first official match on May 7th 1921. From a humble beginning with only one team, the Vermont Juniors have grown significantly and in 2018 had more than 530 players competing in 24 teams across all age groups. In 2016 the Vermont Juniors entered 3 girl teams in the Eastern Region Girls league growing to 5 teams and more than 120 girls playing in 2018. The introduction in 2018 of a Senior Women’s team has provided a future path for all girls playing at Vermont. In 2018 the Vermont Juniors again won the Best Conducted Junior Club in the Eastern Football League.

While the Junior Club operates under our own Committee, we enjoy a strong relationship with the Senior Club. Senior players run the Big Brother Program taking charge of a training session for each grade, and the Under 17.5 work closely with the Under 19 in a transition program with the Senior Club. Saturday’s at Vermont Recreational Reserve is always full of many junior players and their parents coming down to support the Senior teams.

We are a family-based club with a strong focus on participation and development. The Vermont Junior Football Club hosts a range of social activities throughout the year, including family nights which provide a great opportunity for the players and parents to get together and have fun.

Ultimately the Vermont Junior Football Clubs success can be attributed to the fantastic support we receive from our parents and supporters. Great clubs are made from Great people!

Vermont Junior Football Club is a Level 3 Community Club in the Good Sports program.

If you would like more information, please visit the Good Sports website

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